Hello again! Well, i really want to apologize for not updating my weblog...I've been thinking of stuff that i could write for you guys. Last time while i was on my way home, i suddenly thought of some of the morbid things that could happen if i die. Don't get me wrong, i'm just being realistic, u see it it a common fact that everybody will die, whatever reason, but we really cannot tell as to when it will come to us.
Then i thought of my family, my friends, and everything else that means so much to me. One of the resolution, or rather things that i want to do before i die, is to write some of the facts about me. You know i don't have a diary...it is not totally a daily keeper of events of my life, i just want to give and share to you some of the highlights in my life that has mold me to become of who i am today..
Bits by bits, i will give u an update, BUT, not all of them are true..i mean, i might just feel like writing of an example, writing in riddles, in metaphor..It is up to you on how will you be able to figure out if that is a fact or just a fiction, a product of my wild imagination...I think it is enough introduction for now...good day!!!
"There is nothing better than entering a room and seeing someone smile when you walk in. Right then and there you know that your presence makes a difference in their life. A smile is easy. You just grin upward. Plus, you burn many more calories than from frowning."
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